Sunday, March 29, 2009

Heading down to Indianapolis

I should have updated earlier, but I think most people know that Dustin will be at IU med center tomorrow. We're driving down tonight because he has to be there at 8 am which is 7 am our time. We were going to go down in the morning, but that would mean getting up at 3:30 and since I'm driving and am slightly prone to falling asleep no matter where I am I thought that going down the night before would be a better idea. They are admitting him for five days to do a video eeg. This will be the second one being done because the first was lost. Luckily we still have the doctors dictation notes from the previous one. It does kind of suck that the first was lost, but we just have to trust that it was lost for a reason. God is in control of this situation and I really don't think that he makes mistakes. I know that Dustin is not at all looking forward to doing this. He just found out last night that he will have to have an iv in and have all the electrodes stuck to his head. It will be boring and it's quite possible that he and my mom will drive each other crazy. In the long run, though, it could be worse. This isn't intrusive or painful. My dad has a job to finish up hopefully by Wednesday and then he is hoping to be able to go down too. When they did the video eeg in Michigan City it was easy to get food brought up or to switch who would stay with him. Being in Indianapolis this is going to be more difficult. The staff seems very accommodating, though. They told my mom they will watch him if she wants to run across the street to McDonalds or Starbucks and that she can order extra food for Dustin so she can eat while she's there too! He has to be watched 24/7 because the seizure could come on at any time and when this happens there is a button that the person watching him must push to mark the onset of the seizure. He's bringing a dvd player, play station, and laptop so hopefully this will keep him somewhat entertained. 
There are questions we all have for the doctor. The foremost being what if he doesn't have a seizure within the five days he is scheduled to be there. While he is there they will take him off his medicine and then just wait for him to have a seizure they can record. I know last time the hardest part for my mom was not being able to give him medicine to stop the seizure. The doctor wanted to see what was happening so they didn't want to stop it. It makes sense, but it was hard to watch. The previous seizure recorded lasted 55 minutes and that was with medicine, finally, to stop it. 
Please, pray for our safety in traveling, my mom and Dustin and their time spent together, wisdom and guidance for the doctors, for the seizure to happen quickly or at all if God's will, also that the staff will keep us informed with what is going on. 
Thank you everyone, again, for you continued prayers and support. It really means so much and helps so much. After those first few blog posts where we were reaching out for prayer we could see such a change right away. I've found that as time goes on it's easier to accept this as our 'new normal' and everyday lives. As we do this I find myself turning less and less to God and just taking things on myself. I know that's not how God wants us do handle our struggles and even our everyday life. So I also ask that you keep praying that we not try to handle any little thing on our own, but turn everything over to God. Pray that we just trust him and his plan for us. 

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