Monday, March 30, 2009

March 30, 2009

Dustin is checked into the hospital and hooked up to the oxygen and heart monitor, but not the eeg yet. He is currently watching ESPN and eating his second breakfast. One of his doctors just came in to get a quick history and tell us what will be happening. Today they will get him hooked up to the video monitors and keep him on his medicine. They will record today and see if they can see any activity while on his meds and the slowly ween him off if they don't see any. She said there are things they can do to bring on the seizure such as blinking lights, noise and sleep deprivation. Luckily, the Internet is working...that was something he was worried about. Dustin did just tell my mom that he would rather the doctor diagnose him than my mom, haha. He can't access myspace, but you can send him cards and emails through the hospital. You can also email him at I'll keep everyone updated as we find things out! Right now everyone is in a good mood, please, pray that continues for as long as possible!

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